Monday, April 5, 2010

The Plan

Been trying to figure out how to approach this whole healthy-fitness lifestyle change thing, and I figured I need a plan, so here it is:

What Do I Want?

My goal is actually pretty simple. Eat well, eat healthy, be healthy, look good. If it sounds too general, that's because it is. I'm going to try to NOT compartmentalize my life into specific goals, because I want to enjoy life as a whole.

How Do I Make This Happen?

There are three main things to consider in my quest for health and fitness. Mainly these are:
  1. Nutrition
  2. Weight Training
  3. Cardiovascular Activity
When people hear nutrition, they usually think "diet." Well, I refuse to diet, since I always fall off the bandwagon sooner or later. I'm going to implement an anti-diet experiment with my nutrition. It's not going to be an exact science because I'm not a bodybuilder. It WILL taste good because I love to eat.

Weight training is actually something I have had a lot of experience with. I've trained for sport-specific activities, and I've gotten to be very comfortable with weights. Thinking about it though, my workouts leave a lot lacking in terms of sustainability and brevity. I don't want my life to be all about lifting weights, but I want to be lifting weights well into my golden years. I need to find a program that lets me do all that.

Cardiovascular activity will be all that stuff I love doing. Basketball. Olympic lifts. Anything that lets me work up a sweat!

I'll talk about all of this in detail next time. I'll be taking this week to prepare, and by Monday next week I should be on my way to a healthier, fitter me.


  1. If you're at all into cooking, check out the website There are excellent recipes there using real food and the calorie counts are listed and, to me, quite acceptable. My husband loves the mustard maple pork tenderloin I found there -- it's awesome.

  2. Amanda, I am a terrible cook, but thankfully, my favorite food is anything grilled, seasoned with salt and pepper! :)
